Pocket Novels are way cooler than regular novels and to prove it we're hosting a contest that's free to enter and easy to win. On top of that, the prizes are one-of-a-kind items worth more than the books we sell. But let's not jump ahead of ourselves with talk of prizes. First, I'll tell you how to WIN!
The contest is simple. All you do is tell your friends to visit our website (pocketnovelpublishing.com) and order a book... or two... or eight. When they get to the shopping cart, there's a Notes Blank. Have them type in your name as the person who referred them.
At the end of the month, we'll count up the orders and award two prizes. One will be for the person who had the most new referrals. The other will be for the person who sold the most books. So if you bring in a ton of new customers you'll be rewarded, or you can be rewarded for bringing in a few customers who just really like to buy all the books.
So jump on Facebook and tell all your friends what to do. At the end of February, we will count up the orders and announce the winners.
Stay in touch. You won't believe what the prizes are going to be.
(Hint: The first prize costs around $35.00)
Ps. You can indeed be your own referral if you order Pocket Novels. Also, two random NEW readers will receive a really awesome gift courtesy of Grangie's Gifts!